The Key Card Fundraiser will run from August 23 through September 24. All orders and money are due to the band office by 3:00pm on Wednesday, September 25. Checks should be made payable to “Jenison Band Boosters”. Pick-up for the books will be on Monday, September 30 from 6:00-7:30pm near the Scrip table by the pool entrance.
We’re asking each family to buy/sell at least 2 books ($50). Consider that $17.50 of that goes directly back into your student’s personal account, so your REAL cost of 2 books is only $32.50 ($16.25 each)...a fantastic deal! Sell to friends, relatives and co-workers! They save money and your student gets $8.75 per sale! A WIN-WIN for all! To view all the deals in the 2020 Book, please go to
Click below to download the flyer and order form for the sale.
2019 Key Card Order Form
2019 Key Card Flyer